Dhammrakshit, better known as Dhamma, hails from Satara, Maharashtra. Dhamma grew up in a musical atmosphere, his father Shaahir Srirang Randive a well-known exponent of the Marathi folk form Shaahiri (a form of lyrical story-telling performed in verse). Dhamma excelled in the art form under his father’s tutelage making his debut at the young age of ten on All India Radio (AIR)’s Aakashwani, winning State-level Shaahiri competitions and most recently having performed at Mumbai Doordarshan’s Lok Rang show. Dhamma imbibed the progressive social values that his father championed in his Shaahiri renditions talking about the issues of inequality, exploitation and citizenship among others. Holding a Bachelors in Social Work and Diploma in Performing Folk Art from the Maharashtra Lok Kala Akademi, Dhamma seeks to bring about ‘Social Change through Art’.
His gentle and tranquil disposition notwithstanding, Dhamma can energise the most weary of audiences with his powerhouse vocals. His music carries the scent of the soil of his land and his message, the stark reality of that land’s struggles. Currently volunteering with Shramik Muktiwadi Yuva Sanghatna and composing music independently, Dhamma sings not as much to enthrall or entertain but to engage with his listeners and with society at large.
“Its too good. The artists are also just awesome. Completely refreshing.”
“आज 10 बजे के करीब टिकट आरक्षण के लिए बोरीवली स्टेशन गया था. छोटे भाई मनोज का लोकल टिकट काउंटर पर इंतज़ार कर रहा था, तभी ढोलक के साथ किसी के गाने की आवाज़ सुनाई पड़ी, वो भी सुरीली, बरबस मैं उस ओर चला गया. देखा एक छोटा से मंच पर दो कलाकार बैठे तल्लीन गीत-संगीत की गंगा बहा रहे हैं.बहुत ही अच्छा लगा....हर तरफ शोर-तनाव के बीच सुरीला, मन को आनन्द विभोर कर देने वाला सगीत...बहुत ही दिलकश लगा. NSAP को इस आयोजन श्रृंखला के लिए बधाई!!!”
“Can be more interactive. Otherwise very innovative !!!”
“Saw a beautiful folk set by Ellie and Zack at Churchgate stn. :)”
Natural Streets for Performing Arts Foundation(NSPA Foundation)
16, Jolly Maker Chamber No 2,
225, Nariman Point, Mumbai,
Maharashtra 400 021.
Phone (Off.) : +91 022 2204 1250
Jessica Noronha: +91 9619152275
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